Saturday, July 27, 2013

'A' Prophecy

I have a little notebook that I keep with me. It has its own pocket in my satchel, and there it sits until I decide to scribble down a word or idea, a poem or a list. It's almost filled now approximately a year after its induction, this handy treat of thoughts, and so today I flipped through the paper memories, checking to see if I missed anything important amongst its pages. The design of the notebook is such that within it are scattered foreign leaflets belonging to dictionaries or Russian novels, so as to break up the blank pages (I assume for fun). I came to one of these inserts - the 34th page of a small dictionary - and saw the following:
Anglophobia (ang-glo-fo'bi-a), n. an intense aversion to, or fear of, everything English.
Below it lay Anglo-Saxon, above it Anglomania, to its left anger and angina. "Yup," I thought to myself, "...that's about right."

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